I. Name
The name of this organization shall be the Rocky Mountain Region of the National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA), hereafter the National Council. Within the National Council, the organization may also be referred to as Region VII.
II. Purpose
In concert with the National Council, the purpose of Region VII is educational and:
To assist individuals, primarily at colleges and universities, with professional interests in the administration of sponsored programs (research, education, and training);
To promote the development of more effective policies and procedures relative to the administration of sponsored programs to assure the achievement of the maximum potential in academic programs;
To provide a forum through national and regional meetings for the discussion and exchange of information and experiences related to sponsored programs in colleges and universities;
To provide for the dissemination of current information and the exchange of views on mutual concerns;and
To promote the development of college and university research administration and the profession of sponsored programs administration, and to stimulate the personal and professional growth of the members of the region.
III. Membership
There shall be three types of members:
Individuals who qualify as members according to the National Council bylaws and who either reside in or are employed in those states comprising Region VII (Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming) shall be considered members of Region VII. Members shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of such membership including the right to vote and to serve as an officer, representative of any of its committees, or member of the Region VII Executive Committee.
Individuals who qualify as associate members according to the National Council bylaws and who either reside in or are employed in those states comprising Region VII (see above) shall be considered associate members of Region VII and shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of the membership except the right to serve as an officer of the Region VII Executive Committee.
Individuals who qualify as emeritus members according to the National Council bylaws shall be considered emeritus members or emeritus associate members of Region VII, if they retire from or reside in Region VII. Emeritus members will retain all rights and privileges of their membership category except the right to serve as an officer of the Region VII Executive Committee.
IV. Officers
Region VII shall be governed by a Regional Executive Committee (REC) consisting of the Chair, Immediate Past Chair, Chair-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Treasurer-elect, and two regionally-elected Members at Large each of whom must be a member of the Region. Appointed chairs of standing and ad hoc committees will also be included in the REC. The terms of office shall be addressed below. No officer shall serve two consecutive terms in the same office except for appointees. Exceptions to this shall require approval of a two- thirds majority of the voting membership. Such circumstances must be documented and distributed to the membership by the Nominating and Election Committee.
In the event any regional office except the Chair is vacated, the Chair shall appoint a new officer to serve the remainder of the term. Such appointments shall be made with the concurrence of the Regional Executive Committee and appointees shall have all the duties, responsibilities, and powers of elected officers. Should the office of the Chair become vacant, the Chair-Elect will assume the office of the Chair, completing the remainder of the term.
Any officer of the Region may be removed from office by a two-thirds majority vote of the regional voting membership in a recall election. The Chair must hold a recall election within sixty (60) days of receipt of a recall petition bearing the legitimate signatures of at least twenty percent (20%) of the membership of the Region. All officers shall serve on the Regional Executive Committee by virtue of and during the terms of their offices.
The Chair shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Regional Executive Committee and is empowered to conduct activities in consultation with the Regional Executive Committee. The Chair shall have the power to call and conduct meetings, appoint members to the National Council Committees, appoint regional committee chairs, fill vacancies in regional offices (with the concurrence of the Regional Executive Committee), call special elections, and direct the activities of the Region. The Chair shall also report the financial and business proceedings of the Region to the National Council as required. The Chair shall be the second person authorized to sign checks drawn on the regional account. The Chair’s term of office shall be for one year beginning on January 1. The Chair, at the conclusion of the term of office, shall serve as Immediate Past Chair and execute the duties of that office. The Chair shall serve a one-year term, beginning on January 1 of the year following the term of Chair-Elect. As such, the term of Chair is essentially a three-year commitment.
The Chair-Elect shall serve as a member of the Regional Executive Committee and will work closely with the Chair to assist in directing regional affairs, as directed by the Chair. In the absence of the Chair, the Chair-Elect shall perform the duties of the Chair, i.e. by presiding over regional meetings if the Chair is unable to attend, etc. The Chair- Elect is elected annually by the regional membership for a one-year term beginning in January 1. When the term of the Chair expires, the Chair-Elect shall succeed to the office of the Chair for a one-year term.
The Immediate Past Chair shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Regional Executive Committee to advise and counsel the Chair and other members of the Committee. The term of office shall coincide with that of the current Chair
The Secretary shall be a member of the Regional Executive Committee. As chief records officer, the Secretary shall review and recommend revisions in the bylaws; serve as parliamentarian; maintain the written records of the Region, the official membership roster, the minutes of meetings; and other duties as requested. The Secretary shall distribute a written copy of the minutes of the prior meeting to the membership at each regional business meeting. Minutes for at least the previous five years shall be obtained from the out-going Secretary and delivered to the incoming Secretary. Additional historical records may be archived with the National Office. The Secretary shall also provide the Chair with all information and documentation required by him/her for reports to the National Council. The term of Secretary shall be for two years beginning January 1 of every even year.
The Treasurer shall be a member of the Regional Executive Committee. As chief fiscal officer, the Treasurer shall review and maintain the fiscal accounts of the Region, and make payments as required, and distribute a financial status report to the membership at each regional business meeting. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the preparation of the Region’s annual budget for endorsement by the Chair. Financial records for at least the previous five years shall be obtained from the Immediate Past Treasurer and be delivered to the incoming Treasurer and Treasurer-elect.
The term of Treasurer will be a three-year commitment:
Year 1: Treasurer elect – learning about regional finances from the Treasurer and Immediate Past Treasurer
Year 2: Treasurer – as described above
Year 3: Immediate Past Treasurer – to assist the Treasurer in transitioning to the position of Treasurer and as back-up should the Treasurer not be available to fulfill the duties of the office
The regionally elected member of the National Board of Directors shall actively support the missions and goals of the National Council and, working in consort with the other directors, control and direct the affairs of the National Council to determine its policies. Duties and responsibilities include: 1) attendance at Board meetings which occur not less than twice annually; 2) review of all minutes, reports, special studies, petitions, and other documents brought before or provided to the Board; 3) participation in special non-routine Board working groups as needed; 4) liaison with Board-appointed task forces as assigned; and, 5) design, deliberate, and approve new policies and changes to existing policies as appropriate for the mission of the Council. The Regional Representative shall serve a two- year term beginning January 1 every odd year.
V. Meetings
Region VII shall hold at least one regional meeting each calendar year at a site to be determined by the Program Committee with concurrence of the Regional Executive Committee and the general membership as expressed in a regional membership vote. The purpose of the meeting shall be to present programs of interest to members and such other regional business as necessary. The agenda for the regional annual meeting shall be planned, arranged, and presented by the Program Committee.
Region VII shall also hold a business meeting in conjunction with the National Council’s annual meeting. The agenda for the Region VII business meeting shall be the responsibility of the Chair and shall include when appropriate, a financial report, announcement of election results, announcement of committee appointments, committee reports, recommendation of future sites for the regional meeting and such other business to come before the membership. Other meetings of the membership shall be held as needed subject to approval of the elected officers and the Regional Executive Committee.
VI. Finances
Registration fees for the regional annual meeting shall be based on the region’s budget, recommendations from the host institution (if applicable), and other financial considerations and shall be recommended to the Program Committee and endorsed by the Chair in consultation with the Regional Executive Committee. Funds available to Region VII shall be accounted for and reported to the membership by the Treasurer at least annually and to the National Council as required.
VII. Dues
Dues must be recommended by the National Council Board of Directors and must meet standards set by the national organization.
VIII. Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws
No part of these bylaws, or interpretations thereof or amendments thereto, shall be valid if they are in conflict with the National Council Bylaws. Region VII Bylaws shall be amended automatically when required to ensure compatibility with the National Council Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. They may also be amended by two-thirds majority vote of the voting membership provided that the proposed amendments have been submitted to the full membership in writing at least thirty (30) days prior to that vote by an Ad Hoc Committee appointed for that purpose.
The Chair shall have the responsibility of interpreting Region VII Bylaws and shall rule on any question of policy involving the interpretation of this document. If any member objects to current interpretations(s), a written appeal signed by five members, may be made to the Chair. The Chair shall appoint an Ad Hoc Committee of three members, one of whom shall be from the quintet appealing, to present the matter to the membership for a majority vote during the next scheduled meeting.
A published set of Administrative Policies outlining specific business procedures shall be maintained by the Chair and revised as necessary by the Regional Executive Committee. The Regional Executive Committee shall inform the membership in writing at least thirty
(30) days prior to instituting changes to the published set of Administrative Policies.
IX. Dissolution
The Region may be dissolved at any time by two-thirds majority vote of the total voting membership. All assets and records shall be transferred to the National Council for disposition as the National Council sees fit.
X. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Region VII shall adhere to the National Council guidance, policies, and commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Every member of Region VII has a right, without regard to gender, race, ethnicity, age, religion, social class, sexual orientation, ability, personality, functional experience, or background, to fair and respectful treatment, equal access to resources to support professional growth, and equitable opportunities to contribute to NCURA’s success.
Ratified: 9-2021