Officer Duties

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Region VII Executive Committee
Regionally-Elected Member of the Board

Region VII Executive Committee
The Region VII Executive Committee (REC) serves as an advisory board for the Regional Chair in guiding the affairs of the region and shall have responsibilities and powers conferred in the Regional Bylaws. The REC shall develop activities and programs for Region VII which are consistent with the goals and objectives of National Council and the wishes of the regional membership. In addition to the Chair, the REC consists of the Chair-Elect, Secretary-Treasurer, Members-at-Large (2), and Immediate Past Chair.
The Chair shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Regional Executive Committee and Region VII and is empowered to conduct activities in consultation with the Regional Executive Committee. The Chair shall have the power to call and conduct meetings, appoint members to National Council committees, appoint regional committee chairs, fill vacancies in regional officers (with the concurrence of the Regional Executive Committee), call special elections, and direct the activities of the region. The Chair shall also report the financial and business proceedings of the region to the National Council as required. The Chair shall be the second person authorized to sign checks drawn on the regional account.
The term of Chair shall be for one year.
Past Chair
The Immediate Past Chair shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Regional Executive Committee to advise and counsel the Chair and other members of the Committee. The term of office shall coincide with that of the current Chair.
The Chair-Elect shall serve as a member of the Regional Executive Committee, and will work closely with the Chair to assist in directing regional affairs, as directed by the Chair. In the absence of the Chair, the Chair-Elect shall perform the duties of the Chair, i.e. by presiding over regional meetings if the Chair is unable to attend, etc. The Chair-Elect is elected annually by the regional membership for a one-year term beginning in January 1.
When the term of the Chair expires, the Chair-Elect shall succeed to the office of the Chair for a one-year term.
The Secretary shall be a member of the Regional Executive Committee. As chief records officer, the Secretary shall review and recommend revisions in the bylaws; serve as parliamentarian; maintain the written records of the Region, the official membership roster, the minutes of meetings; and other duties as requested. The Secretary shall distribute a written copy of the minutes of the prior meeting to the membership at each regional business meeting. Minutes for at least the previous five years shall be obtained from the out-going Secretary and delivered to the incoming Secretary. Additional historical records may be archived with the National Office. The Secretary shall also provide the Chair with all information and documentation required by him/her for reports to the National Council. The term of Secretary shall be for two years beginning January 1 of every even year.
The Treasurer shall be a member of the Regional Executive Committee. As chief fiscal officer, the Treasurer shall review and maintain the fiscal accounts of the Region, and make payments as required, and distribute a financial status report to the membership at each regional business meeting. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the preparation of the Region’s annual budget for endorsement by the Chair. Financial records for at least the previous five years shall be obtained from the Immediate Past Treasurer and be delivered to the incoming Treasurer and Treasurer-elect. The term of Treasurer will be a three-year commitment:
Year 1: Treasurer elect – learning about regional finances from the Treasurer and Immediate Past Treasurer
Year 2: Treasurer – as described above
Year 3: Immediate Past Treasurer – to assist the Treasurer in transitioning to the position of Treasurer and as back-up should the Treasurer not be available to fulfill the duties of the office
Members-At-Large are elected from the membership and shall serve for a term of two years with the term of office staggered so that one new member shall be elected at each election. Members are eligible for renomination and election to successive terms without restriction. If an elected member-at-large is unable to complete the full term of office, the Chair shall appoint a replacement for the remainder of the original term of office
Regionally-Elected Member of the Board
The regionally-elected member of the National Board of Directors shall actively support the missions and goals of NCURA and, working in concert with the other directors, control and direct the affairs of the Council and determine its policies. Duties and responsibilities include:
1) attendance at Board meetings which occur not less than twice annually;
2) review of all minutes, reports, special studies, petitions, and other documents brought before or provided to the Board;
3) participation in special non-routine Board working groups as needed;
4) liaison with Board-appointed task forces as assigned; and,
5) design, deliberate, and approve new policies and changes to existing policies as appropriate for the mission of the Council.
The time commitment annually averages two hours per week, including about four days for attendance at Board Meetings.
The regionally-elected board member shall serve a two-year term, beginning January 1 every odd year.
Nominating and Leadership Development Committee
The Nominating and Leadership Development Committee is charged with identifying, training, promoting and rewarding future and current leaders of the organization, including NCURA’s national officers and award recipients. Each region nominates two people and the national organization selects one to serve. The Committee members themselves generally have been long-time members of NCURA with a broad network of colleagues across the country. The Nominating and Leadership Development Committee person shall serve a two-year term.